6.4 Aqueous Solutions

An aqueous solution is one in which the solvent is water.

Salt and water is an example of aqueous solutions where the solute is a solid.

Alcohol and water is an example of aqueous solutions where the solute is a liquid.

Ammonia and water is an example of aqueous solutions where the solute is a gas

Concentration: relative amounts of solute and solvent.

Molar concentration (Molarity): is the number of moles of solute per liter (dm3) of

solution. (the relative amounts of solute and solution)

0.5 M of solution means 0.5 moles of solute in 1 dm3 solution

1.0 M of solution means 1.0 moles of solute in 1 dm3 solution

5.0 M of solution means 5.0 moles of solute in 1 dm3 solution

Concentration of a given solution does not change if solution is split into fractions.

Relationships between n, V, C and m, M, V, C:

Preparing solutions with given concentrations

Dilution of solution: If a solution is diluted by adding water 

Number of moles in concentrated solution = number of moles of dilute solution. CV = C’V’

 Upon dilution, volume of water needed for dilution = V dilute solution – V concentrated


1) Pour the 100 cm3 of 4.0 M salt solution into a clean volumetric 500 cm3 flask. Add

enough water to fill the flask up to the etched mark. What is the concentration of the salt

solution in the new flask?

2) 200 cm3of 0.40 M NaCl solution was poured into a 500 cm3 beaker. Water was added till

the etched mark.

a) What is the new concentration?

b) What is the volume of water needed for dilution?

3) You are given 100 cm3 of 0.50 M HCl, how much water must you add to reduce the

concentration to 0.10M.

4) To what volume must 50.0 cm3 of 3.50 M H2SO4 be diluted in order to make a 2.00 M


To find [solutes] after mixing two or more solutions:

Step 1: Calculate the number of moles of each solution

Step 2: Calculate the total volume

Step 3: Find new concentration.

Mixing equal volumes of different solutions halves the concentration of all species in

the solution.

Saturated solution: is a solution that has dissolved in it the maximum amount of solute

it can hold at a given temperature and is in contact with the undissolved solute. In simple

words, a saturated solution is a solution in which no more solute can dissolve.

Solubility: it is the concentration of a saturated solution at a certain temperature

Soluble solubility > 0.1 M

Slightly soluble solubility < 0.1 M

Very slightly soluble solubility < 10-3 M

Insoluble or negligible solubility solubility is low

SELF STUDY: the electric model of atoms, direction of electric current, meaning of

fundamental property, effect of distance on electric force.

Molar Volume in the Solid and Liquid Phase

Table of Molar volumes for metals in solid and liquid states

Calculations About Solutions

Worked example

What volume of 4.0 M lead(II) nitrate solution, Pb(NO3)2 (aq), contains 0.50 mol of Pb2+? What is the number of moles of NO3- ions present in this solution?




Exam Tip

Worked example

What is the molar concentration of the KOH solution obtained from mixing two solutions of KOH, A and B?

Analyse: We are provided with the concentration and volume of two aqueous KOH solutions and asked to determine the concentration of the solution on mixing



Worked example

How much water would be required to dilute 500.0 mL of 2.4 M CaCl2 solution to make a 1.0 M solution?

Analyse: We are asked to determine the quantity of water required to be added to a stock solution (500 mL, 2.4 M) to give a 1.0 M dilute solution



Exam Tip



M = n / V

Preparing a Solution

How to prepare a 250mL of 1.00 M solution of CuSO4


nsolute (stock solution) =  nsolute (dilute solution)

Ms × Vs = Md × Vd

Worked example

Calculate the molarity of a solution made by dissolving 5.00 g of glucose (C6H12O6) in sufficient water to form exactly 100 mL of solution. (Mr glucose = 180.2 g/mol)


Analyse: We are provided with the mass of glucose and the volume of solution and asked to determine the molarity of the solution

Plan: To determine the molarity of the solution the following steps are required:

Step 1: Convert the mass of glucose to moles and the volume of the solution to litres

Step 2: Substitute the values of the moles of glucose and the volume of the solution

Worked example



For part a:

For part b:


Worked example

How many millilitres of 5.0 M Na2Cr2O7 solution must be diluted to prepare 250 mL of 0.10 M solution? How much water needs to be added to this concentrated solution?




Particulate Representations of Solutions

Worked example

Which of the following samples of a salt + water solution has the highest concentration?



The correct answer is C because:

1) Salt and water. (a solution of solid in water) 

2) Alcohol and water. (a solution of liquid in water)

3) Carbon dioxide and water. (a solution of gas in water)