6.5 The Electrical Nature of Matter Questions

Questions :

1. According to our model of electricity, which of the following is wrong?

a) Each electron carries a charge of –1.

b) Each nucleus carries a charge of +1.

c) If a neutral atom has 5 electrons going around it, then the charge on its nucleus is +5 units.

d) If a neutral atom loses 2 electrons the total charge on it becomes +2 units.

e) If a neutral atom gains 2 electrons the total charge on it becomes +2 units.

2. The direction of the current in a wire connected to a battery is always:

a) away from the positive terminal and towards the negative.

b) away from the negative terminal and towards the positive.

c) the same as the direction of flow of electrons.

d) the same as the direction of flow of protons in the wire.

e) depending on which end of the wire the battery is connected to

3. When scientists call a property "fundamental", what do they mean?

4. Experiments support the generalization that the magnitude of the electric force between two charged

small spheres is dependent on the distance between their centers. What is this dependence?

Answers :

1. According to our model of electricity, which of the following is wrong?

a) Each electron carries a charge of –1.

b) Each nucleus carries a charge of +1.

c) If a neutral atom has 5 electrons going around it, then the charge on its nucleus is +5 units.

d) If a neutral atom loses 2 electrons the total charge on it becomes +2 units.

e) If a neutral atom gains 2 electrons the total charge on it becomes +2 units.

2. The direction of the current in a wire connected to a battery is always:

a) away from the positive terminal and towards the negative.

b) away from the negative terminal and towards the positive.

c) the same as the direction of flow of electrons.

d) the same as the direction of flow of protons in the wire.

e) depending on which end of the wire the battery is connected to

3. When scientists call a property "fundamental", what do they mean?

Scientists say that a property is fundamental when it is generally observed but for which search

has failed to yield a useful model.

4. Experiments support the generalization that the magnitude of the electric force between two charged

small spheres is dependent on the distance between their centers. What is this dependence?

Fr2 = constant (Inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers)