6.3 Separating Mixtures



Filtration of a mixture of sand and water

Selective solubility

Alcohol is flammable, therefore it cannot be heated directly. To heat alcohol, we should

use a steam bath or an electric heater.

If you need to collect sugar from sugar alcohol solution heat the solution using an electric

heater to crystallization point. Leave the solution to cool and crystals to form. Filter off the




Sublimation: Examples of solids that can sublime at room temperature:

1) Solid iodine, I2 (s)

2) Dry ice or solid carbon dioxide CO2 (s)

3) Any ammonium compound as ammonium chloride, NH4Cl and ammonium bromide,


Simple Distillation

Fractional distillation

Distillation: Simple & Fractional

Simple Distillation

Diagram showing the distillation of a mixture of salt and water

 Fractional distillation

Fractional distillation of a mixture of ethanol and water

fractional distillation of

liquefied air and fractional distillation of crude oil.

Separating funnel

Adsorption: means sticking to the surface.

Adsorption: sticking of the particles of one material on the surface of another. Examples

of adsorbing substances:

Silica gel: adsorbs water vapor

 Charcoal: adsorbs gases with strong odor and removes colored impurities from a solution


It is the technique used to separate different compounds, especially those that can be easily

destroyed by heat or chemicals.

 It can be used to separate colored components as:

1) Green liquid obtained by squashing green leaves.

2) Black ink

 The property that carries the liquid up the paper is capillary action.

Study of a chromatography paper after it dries:

Chromatography could be used to check the purity of a dye as well as a separation technique.

Dyes 1 and 2 are soluble pure substances . The spot moved up the paper with the solvent and

did not split.

Dyes 3, 4, 5 and 6 are mixtures of soluble components. The spot moved up with the solvent

and split into more than one spot. The greater the solubility of a component the greater is its

Rf value the larger is the separation from the base line.

Dyes 2 and 5, 3 and 5, 3 and 6 have a common component same Rf value. Rf value is a

physical constant.

If a dye sticks to the x on the base line this dye is considered to be insoluble in the solvent

aper Chromatography

Principles of Paper Chromatography

Conducting a Paper Chromatography analysis

Diagram to Show the Method of Chromatography

Analysis of the composition of ink that can be used using paper chromatography. Blue ink travels the most distance showing the strongest interaction with the solvent and the weakest interaction with the chromatography paper

Rf values

Calculating the Rf value

Rf values can be calculated by taking 2 measurements from the TLC plate